Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)


Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)


4.8 x 4.2 x 4 cm

Large, purple botryoidal Fluorite specimen from Burma! You can still see the cubic detail of the crystal structure in the piece’s overal botryoidal form. And dat color! Not easy to argue against a double sided display specimen such as this either… A very unusual crystal habit for Fluorite, difficult to acquire with our trade embargo on the country.

Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)
Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)

1 in stock

SKU: 23-PP-14 Category:


Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)
Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)

Botryoidal Fluorite from Burma (Myanmar)


4.8 x 4.2 x 4 cm

Large, purple botryoidal Fluorite specimen from Burma! You can still see the cubic detail of the crystal structure in the piece’s overal botryoidal form. And dat color! Not easy to argue against a double sided display specimen such as this either… A very unusual crystal habit for Fluorite, difficult to acquire with our trade embargo on the country.

Additional information

Weight 0.110 kg
Dimensions 4.8 x 4.2 x 4 cm


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